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序號 活動名稱 日期 主題 演講者 點閱數
481 Faculty Development Program in Academic Ethics-1 2011-10-03 Global applied ethics for Academics Prof. Raymund Johnson 48385
482 Faculty Development Program in Academic Ethics-2 2011-10-03 Building an ethical Academic culture. CFD 關超然 主任 47844
483 倫理:研究與教育國際研討會-1 2011-10-02 Implementation of Action Plans for Ethics and Values Education: A Global Review Prof. Raymund Johnson 47916
484 倫理:研究與教育國際研討會-2 2011-10-02 Incorporating Ethics into Postgraduate Medical Degree Programs in Sri Lanka Prof. Anoja Fernando 47735
485 倫理:研究與教育國際研討會-3 2011-10-02 Medical Ethics Education in Indonesia Prof Soenarto Sastrowijoto 47672
486 倫理:研究與教育國際研討會-4 2011-10-02 Awareness of Dr. Hsin-Chen Hsin 47601
487 倫理:研究與教育國際研討會-5 2011-10-02 Regional Research Ethics Program in Central Taiwan: Missions and Achievements Dr. Hon-Chung Wong 47667
488 倫理:研究與教育國際研討會-6 2011-10-02 Ethical Approval for Medical Research in the UK: Complexities and Critical Concerns Dr. Minakshi Bhardwaj 47520
489 倫理:研究與教育國際研討會-7 2011-10-02 Education to the Ethics of Care in the Indian Setting Prof. Daphne Furtado 47610
490 倫理:研究與教育國際研討會-8 2011-10-02 Panel Discussion Prof. Chin-Yin Kwan 47552

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