
 轉知:The Fourteenth Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine

InvitationThe Fifteenth Annual Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine will be held on 17th September 2011 in Hong Kong. The theme of this year' smeeting is: "From Cell to Therapy". Cardiovascular disease is a growing problem leading to morbidity and mortality, and carrying substantial long-term social and financial costs. The goal of this meeting is to present new research into both the underlying causes of, and novel treatments for, cardiovascular diseases. Through this meeting, we hope to stimulate new
concepts and ideas for understanding cardiovascular diseases, and to encourage collaboration between basic and clinical researchers.
We are delighted to invite you to participate in this exciting meeting.

Meeting InformationDate and Venue: 17 September 2011, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Official Language: English
Abstract Deadline: 30 June 2011
Publication of Abstracts:
Abstracts will be published in the Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology
CME accreditation will be applied:
1. CME Programme for Non-Specialist (Department of Health / Hong Kong Academy
of Medicine / Hong Kong Doctors Union Ltd / Hong Kong Medical Association)
2. The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians
3. The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong
4. Hong Kong College of Paediatricians
5. Hong Kong College of Physicians
Registration fee:
Invited Speakers - free
Members of ICSM - HK$50
Non-members - HK$200 (before June 30), HK$250 (after June 30)
Meeting Secretariat:
Global Event Management
Suite 305, Hang Seng Building, 200 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2294 4468 / Fax: (852) 2294 4489 / E-mail:
Website: http://www.icsm-hk.org


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