
 【研習影音上傳公告】5/30【專題講座】Recent Advances at the Cross-Section of Evolutionary Biology and Public Health(Peter Chi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Statistics Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Urs

【研習影音上傳公告】5/30【專題講座】Recent Advances at the Cross-Section of Evolutionary Biology and Public HealthPeter Chi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Statistics Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Ursinus College),教師研習影音上傳通知!


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教師發展中心於107年5月30日所主辦之「【專題講座】Recent Advances at the Cross-Section of Evolutionary Biology and Public HealthPeter Chi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Statistics Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Ursinus College」教師研習影音已上傳至本中心影音平台分享區,歡迎研習當日無法出席或想要進一步了解研習內容之教師與同仁點選以下連結觀看:(限校內IP)



教師發展中心  敬上  107.06.01


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