

A Novel Way to Improve Competency Assessment and Enrich Learning Experience in Academic Medicine


一、主講人:Chih-Hung Chang, Ph.D.(美國西北大學張志宏教授)
              A Novel Way to Improve Competency Assessment and Enrich Learning
              Experience in Academic Medicine
 三、時 間:民國10377 (星期) 1500~1700
 四、地 點:立夫教學大樓6第一會議室
十、備 註:本次研習將登錄教師研習積分1分,附醫醫療人員將登錄附醫CFD研習時數2小時。
Classroom learning is relatively expensive, hard to fit into healthcare professionals’ busy schedules, and not scalable and conducive to interdisciplinary learning. Thus, a more efficient and cost-effective education method is highly desirable. Advances in psychometrics and informatics offer plausible solutions to address many practical challenges of competency assessment and curriculum delivery. Dynamic assessment can rapidly and precisely recognize the levels of clinical competencies. Tailored education that delivers only relevant materials to meet a learner’s specific need can improve their learning experience. In this talk, an online testing and learning environment will be introduced and illustrated. Potential applications of this psychometrics-informatics integrated environment to advance clinical research, education and practice will also be discussed.
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